Subject: Re: does iwi driver not work with closed network?
To: Ronald van der Pol <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/05/2005 15:34:46
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On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 09:51:50PM +0200, Ronald van der Pol wrote:
> It looks like the iwi driver does not work with a "closed network". I
> can configure my Airport basestation as "closed network", which means
> the SSID is not announced. When doing so, is it true that the iwi
> driver cannot attach to the wireless? I am running 3.99.5/i386 with a
> Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2200BG Mini-PCI Adapter.
> When I remove the tick from the "closed network" the wireless is
> working fine.
yes, it's a known bug of our iwi(4) driver:
unfortunately, the author seems to lost interest to update NetBSD
drivers and what we have in tree is quite behind OpenBSD version (which
already supports monitor firmware and has lots of bugs fixed).
if someone could step in and update both iwi(4) and ipw(4), it would be
really appreciated.
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org> --
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