Subject: Re: Summer of Code: Policy routing / Implement IPv6 ipflow_fastforward
To: Ivo Vachkov <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/07/2005 14:31:48
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Ivo Vachkov wrote:
> Policy Routing:
> - extend "struct rtentry" to include additional information for TOS
> fields, Source based routing, maybe even protocol based routing, ttl
> routing, packet lenght routing
> - add support in /sys/net/route.c
> - add support in /sbin/route/route.c and alike
How will this interoperate with ALTQ? Or is it intended as an alternative
to ALTQ? If so, what's the pros/cons?
> - Can you point me some in-depth readings about the design and
> implementation of BSD network code. Unfortunately, I can't afford to
> buy "The Desing and Implementation of 4.4BSD" :(
For the IP stack, you want to start with the 3 volumes of TCP/IP
Illustrated from Richard Stevens. Any decent library should have it.
(But then, the summer's probably over by the time you're done reading the
first volume ;)
- Hubert
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