Subject: Summer of Code: Policy Routing
To: NetBSD Network Mailing List <>
From: Ivo Vachkov <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/09/2005 03:11:43
Hello, all
I applied for this project (Policy Routing). I think I understand big
part of the NetBSD kernel code related to the project, but I think
I'll need some help with rest of it. My question is will there be
somebody (maybe some people) to mentor me over the work or I'm on my
own. Also, if there's/'re mentor[s] what's the preffered way of
communication - private or over the tech-net@
Thank you in advance. Please excuse the offtopic material in this letter.
Ivo Vachkov
"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a
genius to understand the simplicity." Dennis Ritchie