Subject: Re: ASIX AX88140 support under tlp(4)
To: Rui Paulo <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/23/2005 12:19:48
On Jun 23, 2005, at 12:03 PM, Rui Paulo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to finish a project I started long time ago: adding support
> for AX88140 chipsets in the tlp(4) device driver. I checked the
> dc(4) driver from FreeBSD and now the NIC is working (almost)
> properly.
> I also did some benchmarks in which the card is doing more than
> 11MB/s.
> Multicast also works.
> I have some problems still pending:
> * tlp0: transmit process failed to idle: state RUNNING - WAIT
> I have no idea why this is happening and I think CSR STATUS
> bits are the same as 21143.
There are some other chips that do this, too. Probably best thing is
to just suppress the warning on the ASIX chips.
> * I notice a delay when doing MII media switching like going
> from '10BaseT' to 'auto', what could be causing this ?
Probably the MII code doing a delay during the autonegotiation. I
don't see anything in your patch specifically that would cause it. I
suggest not worrying about it too much :-)
> * I don't have an AX88140 NIC with a PHY so I didn't added
> any code for PHY handling. The FreeBSD driver doesn't support
> this either because the author has never saw one..
That's probably OK.
> * I also don't have an AX88141 so I can't code any support for it
> (no datasheet either but I think ASIX gives that freely)
Does the FreeBSD driver support the 141? Probably wouldn't hurt to
code it up, just mark it as untested.
> The patch is below, I would be glad if someone could point me out
> some solution to the problems.
The patch looks just fine. Please check it in. Don't forget to
update the tlp(4) manpage, and it would probably be a good idea to
request a pullup for inclusion in NetBSD 3.0.
> Thanks!
Thank you! And nice work!
-- thorpej