Subject: Re: Intel Gigabit driver wm(4) fiber phy
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/13/2005 16:26:18
On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 05:21:25PM +0200, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> > About the autonegotiation time: Ask the admin to deactive spanning
> > tree support on at least the ports used by host (and not other
> > switches).
> It's not the 30 second spanning tree delay, but a two minute gigabit
> autonegotiation delay.
That's broken. I've never seen any host taking that long to negotiate with
any gigabit switch. The various wm(4) interface in my computers at home
negotiate with gigabit switches almost instantaneous. And considering
that my guess is you have a hardware and not a software problem.
How long does the auto negotiation take with other operating system,
other network cards and other switches?
Kind regards
Matthias Scheler