Subject: Re: Utilising multiple routes to internet
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Mike M. Volokhov <>
List: tech-net
Date: 01/11/2006 12:20:29
On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 18:26:23 +0000 (GMT)
David Brownlee <> wrote:
> pass out quick on $extif to $altif:$altgip proto tcp from $extip to any flags S keep state
> This all works very well, any traffic from the internal hosts
> goes out via the normal $extif, while web traffic and anything
> run directly from the gateway goes via $altif. I could easily
> split the "pass out quick on" to a set of port = 80 and similar
> rules, but chose not to.
> Now, if a tcp connection comes in on $altif to $altip then
> the return data always goes out on $extif _from_ $extip.
> Is there any way to get that connection's return traffic
> to come from the IP addres to which it connected ($altip?)
I believe this is possible with exact keep state rules for incoming
traffic too. I.e.:
pass in quick on $altif proto tcp from any to WHAT_YOU_WANT_HERE flags S keep state
pass out quick on $extif to $altif:$altgip proto tcp from $extip to any flags S keep state
In this case dynamic keep state table will be processed before "to
$altif:$altgip" rule.
But I'm not sure :-/