Subject: Re: Summer of Code: Wifi Browser / Kismet clone
To: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
From: oliver gould <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/22/2006 19:15:31
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On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 01:24:45PM -0500, Jonathan A. Kollasch wrote:
> I would prefer some one put the little bit of effort into getting
> Kismet working on NetBSD rather than reinventing this.
The project page requests that the design be improved upon. I'm still
unclear on what these design shortcomings are.
> A kismet clone in the regular source tree (i.e. not the othersrc
> or pkgsrc module) is not something I really don't want to see for
> NetBSD, at least not without syspkgs in place. (I recently got a
> VAX, so now I care about bloat.)
> I'm perfectly fine with using wlanctl or the old wiconfig <if> -D for
> finding networks.
I think that the idea is to write a unified library that offers a richer
feature-set than ifconfig and the various wireless driver-specific
control commands. Either a Kismet-replacement or Kismet itself could
interface with this library.
I agree whole-heartedly, though, that it would be undesirable to bloat
up the source tree with something like Kismet.
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