Subject: Re: For the bootblocks?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan A. Kollasch <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/25/2006 00:32:05
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On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 09:23:52PM -0400, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
What does that have that we don't already?
I'm perhaps most interested in using IPv6 to netboot, perhaps
in those i386 boot-ROM images. It's just that I don't think
they've spec'd out how that's supposed to be done yet.
AFAICT DHCPv6 is really rather unlike BootP, there's not even
the necessary extensions to pass file names, etc.
Yes, this is a rather foolish idea at this point but, hey,
at least I'd like to eventually be able to have a IPv4-free
(and esp. DECnet-free) network. (Although I'm not about to
figure out how to get VMB to do IPv6. I guess this doesn't
need to apply to legacy hardware.)
Just my 1/0th of a cent.
Jonathan Kollasch
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