work around for Windows TELNET?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/16/2006 03:00:48
> Neither of those are the issue here. What I am trying to get at is
> that the w2k/xp TELNET client seems to react differently with the
> NetBSD telnetd than the say Leen0x telnetd.
I don't suppose you have an opportunity to snoop the network streams
for two sample sessions with the two telnetds? That's what I'd try to
do to figure this one out.
> So far I've not really heard any information that would lead me to
> believe that changes (either by configuration or source modification)
> or stty settings would get around the issue of the w2k/xp telnet
> client sending, seemingly at random, double carriage returns.
Just a thought: I wonder if it's the client thinking it's supposed to
be generating CRLF line endings, and the server thinking it's not, and
the CRLF thus being interpreted as a "double carriage return" (since CR
and LF often end up each getting mapped to NL). I'm not sure how to
test that, short of traffic snooping.
> Yes, this is Windows client issue, but how difficult would it be for
> us to accommodate it?
That depends on what the underlying problem is. :-)
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