Subject: Re: Kill socket for certain routes
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/08/2006 22:17:48
In article <>,
Perry E. Metzger <> wrote:
> (Christos Zoulas) writes:
>> We should not add a timeout to drop connections. Instead we should provide
>> a way for the user to drop them, like tcpdrop on OpenBSD and the patch in
>> I don't particularly like the sysctl interface, but I don't have a better
>> suggestion. In my opinion we should add it.
>This would be a very nice general capability, though "socketdrop" (one
>might want to drop UDP sockets bound to the vanished address etc.)
>might be a more general capability.
The UDP bound problem probably needs fixing in the daemons because
some of them might not be prepared to deal with this kind of failure.