Subject: Re: Sending network traffic to "self" externally - is it possible?
To: Bryan Phillippe <>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/17/2007 09:10:11
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On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 01:24:49AM -0700, Bryan Phillippe wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to conduct some ethernet network testing using a NetBSD =20
> client & server configuration. The unusual part about this is that I =20
> want my configuration to be a single NetBSD system functioning as =20
> both a client and a server, physically sending network traffic out on =20
> interface and back into another, using a cross-cable.
That won't really work. The problem is that NetBSD has one routing system.=
You really need a system with two, one for one NIC and one for the other=20
NIC. The thing is that what is a local address for one routine system is a=
remote address for the other, and our stack doesn't handle that.
I think something like Xen or Parallels or VMware would be the best way to=
go. You'd then have two separate kernels & installations, each talking to=
one of the NICs.
Take care,
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