Subject: Re: Sending network traffic to "self" externally - is it possible?
To: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/17/2007 10:15:48
On 17-Apr-07, at 10:10 AM, Bill Stouder-Studenmund wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 01:24:49AM -0700, Bryan Phillippe wrote:
> That won't really work. The problem is that NetBSD has one routing
> system.
> You really need a system with two, one for one NIC and one for the
> other
> NIC. The thing is that what is a local address for one routine
> system is a
> remote address for the other, and our stack doesn't handle that.
> I think something like Xen or Parallels or VMware would be the best
> way to
> go. You'd then have two separate kernels & installations, each
> talking to
> one of the NICs.
Having said that, one thing I like about QNX (there are not many) is
that you can instantiate as many instances of the IP stack as you
want, bind them to devices, and API calls are directed to a specific
instance by environment variable.
SOCK=external ssh somehost
SOCK=internal mount somehost:/home /home