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Re: ifconfig ath0 mode 11g panics on netbsd-5 amd64

Jukka Salmi --> tech-net (2009-06-15 12:39:28 +0200):
> Roy Marples --> tech-net (2009-06-14 20:23:04 +0100):
> [...]
> > Issuing the command
> > ifconfig ath0 mode 11g
> > causes a panic and reboot.
> [...]
> Maybe this is PR kern/37350?  I never tried to reproduce it with
> netbsd-5 though, but I'll do so later today...

The system I had in mind still runs NetBSD 4, so I can't easily test it
with NetBSD 5.  However, now I even can't reproduce it with NetBSD 4
anymore, so...

Regards, Jukka

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