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Re: Specifying names for tap interfaces

Michael Richardson wrote:
"Roger" == Roger Pau Monne<>  writes:
     Roger>  Anything that we can control, like tap-%domid.%devid would be
     Roger>  good though. It doesn't have to follow any specific
     Roger>  nomenclature, but it will be good to be able to specify two
     Roger>  integers, one that corresponds to the domain id, and another
     Roger>  one that identifies the specific network card inside that
     Roger>  domain.

But that, really, Admins hate having %domid in the device name because
it screws up useful things like SNMP/mrtg on those devices.

I don't really understand this, why does the name of the interface matters regarding SNMP or mrtg? Is this a privacy related issue?

So the admin really wants to specify a consistent name in the XEN
configuration file... something which I think XEN does not yet support.

It supports being able to specify interface names in Linux (on the domain config file), for both vif (PV) and tap (HVM), and it has been like this for a long time I think (xend also had this functionality).

See the "vifname" section of this file for more information:

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