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Re: Packet Filtering

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012, at 01:09 AM, Mouse wrote:
> > Anything involving IPv6 is pretty much "unusual" at this point in
> > time.  People are getting excited when they see that the percentage
> > of IPv6 users is in the single digit percentage range.
> This is at least somewhat location-specific.
> I spent the second half of 2002 working for Universitetet i Tromsø, in
> Norway, and the University folks had a city-wide radio network set up -
> using v6.  The house netlink they set me up with was v6-only.
> But, back in North America and a decade later, I'm seeing pretty much
> what Darren describes.  Most computer people at least have a vague clue
> what v6 is, but-- well, for example, I recently signed up with a small
> ISP.  I had to nudge them repeatedly and play guinea-pig to get them to
> deliver v6 at all.  And one of my employers is a VoI provider; I don't
> think they've even _thought_ about using v6 for VoI.

I can think of two exceptions to this.

One is the assigning of IP addresses to cable modems for TV, etc, in
various countries because it is just getting too hard to allocate IPv4
networks and addresses in a manner that allows connecting all of the
houses in the country.

The other is mobile phones.


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