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Dear Account User.

Dear Account User,

This message is from the Office of the Information Technology Services (ITS) to 
all webmail account owners. Due to the incessant rate of Spam 

we are currently performing maintenance and up-grading all webmail accounts as 
well as the email Servers for your convenience. All email 

services will be interrupted during this period, To prevent your account from 
closing during this exercise you will have to update it below to know it's 
status as a currently used account with a hard spam protector.

Has commence on January 1st to end March1st 2014 beginning at 9:00 p.m. until 
approximately 12:00 midnight to enable us increase the 

storage size of your webmail account. Be informed  also that we will not 
hesitate to delete your email account if not functioning to create more space 
for new users.

Confirm Your  email account Details by clicking on the reply button and follow 
by your;

1 - User Name (Login ID):
Username : ..................
Password : ..................
confirm password:............
Date of Birth :..............

NOTE: This information will help us also upgraded your account to our
new F-Secure 2013-2014 version HTK4S anti-virus/anti-spam and password will be 
keys encrypted with 1024-bit RS for password security.
Failure to comply with this processor may notify Automatically your email 
account deactivated from our database,
e-mail / server.

After upgrading, a password reset link will be sent to your email for new 
password.  Please understand that this is a security measure 

intended to help protect your email Account.

Contact the IT Help Desk
Walk in: 214 Hale Library
Self-service: Submit an online request
Knowledge base: IT help documentation

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