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MACSEC and if_msk.c

Having [unfortunately] reserved a HP probook 4515s for NetBSD, I immediately needed to attack a solution for the Marvel Yukon-II Extreme 88E8072 NIC.

I'm coming across an issue where I guess I could use a crash course NetBSD NIC driver design document, in particular around MACSEC, as setting the following:
if (sc->sk_type == SK_YUKON_EX)
is okay but adding what FreeBSD does crashes the system, that is

Elsewhere, I can seemingly set the following:

That is, I'm not yet extremely familiar with the different players in this driver tree, msk, sk, macphy (here, 88E1149), etc...

Also, I understand there is no checksum offloading, is this being worked on by someone? Is there a NetBSD maintainer for this code that I could solicit some specific hints?

So far I'm able to configure and bring up the interface but need to get the bits flowing correctly after a completing all the necessary initialisation steps.

Can anyone provide any pointers (or war stories) ?


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