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Re: Strange TCP problem with awge0

> It looks to me like the packet that isn't being ack'd may actually be
> going in the other direction, from the server to the client.  It is
> always this one, the same in every trace:  [...]

I note that the packet in question is relatively small.  I once ran
into a problem (on a very different system - mt.Xinu 4.3+NFS on a VAX)
where the hardware simply couldn't receive sufficiently small packets.
In that case, this manifested as an NFS read hanging under obscure
circumstances; perhaps something related is what's going wrong here?

If you have control over the gateway, maybe try hacking on its kernel
to make it pad packets more?  A 61-octet IP payload means the Ethernet
packet is 75 octets (plus the FCS), which _should_ be large enough, but
maybe something's broken?

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