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Re: pppd's defaultroute option

Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> wrote:
    > It appears to me that pppd's defaultroute option simply doesn't work
    > for IPv6, nor do I see any v6 analog of it.  Is there some reason for
    > this?  It's annoying to have to install a default route in ipv6-up
    > when, as far as I can see, there's no reason pppd couldn't do it for me
    > just as easily as it does for v4.

IPv6 over PPP uses either DHCPv6 or IPv6 RAs.
The conclusion was that IPCP was wrong to add all sorts of PPP options,
and that it should have used DHCP(v4) INFORM, but it was too late for v4.

If your ISP doesn't provide either of those, then you have to configure
something manually.  You would have to configure address ranges manually

Having pppd do it would be wrong: you might as well do it in an ip-up script.

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