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Re: Removing ARCNET stuffs


On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 07:37:04PM +0000, David Holland wrote:
>  > I would argue that this has happened already - FreeBSD and NetBSD are
>  > the results...  at least from the outside, this is how it looks like,
>  > with FreeBSD focusing on few platforms but modernizing itself quite
>  > a bit (kernel preempting, zfs, ...) and NetBSD focusing on "it runs
>  > everywhere".
> Yes, see, this is the problem. "It runs everywhere" now means "it is
> an OS for junkyard machines". That was never the intent when that was
> NetBSD's market positioning, 15+ years ago. Nor is it the reality now.

This is not what I said "for junkyard machines".  It does run on amd64
as well, after all :-)

But you can't really argue the point that priorities are quite different
here - "focused on portability, really good cross-build system, etc."
vs. "newest features and maximum efficiency on modern hardware".

>  > Now, speaking as application developer: I'd hate to see yet another BSD
>  > fork that I have to test OpenVPN on regularily, to see whether "we" or 
>  > "they" broke something and system-specific parts need to be adjusted...
>  > (right now, we build and test on FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD, and 
>  > various versions of those - sufficiently subtly different that there
>  > has to be system-specific code for ifconfig/route handling...)
> Dragonfly? What about all the OpenBSD offshoots?

From an API point of view, Dragonfly seems to be very close to FreeBSD
(all our code has #if defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) || defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY),
though I've never personally tested Dragonfly) - and until someone shows
up and asks us about supporting yet another OpenBSD offshot, I'm not going 
to care.

But indeed, there are already way too many BSD forks out there to even
try to build and test on all of them regularily.

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