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Re: RFC: ALTQ caller refactor


On 2016/02/23 13:52, Kengo NAKAHARA wrote:
> I want to uniform IFQ_ENQUEUE arguments whether ALTQ is defined or not.
> # And I also want to eliminate ALTQ_DECL and ALTQ_COMMA macros...
>  So, I make struct altq_pktattr from IFQ_CLASSIFY and IFQ_ENQUEUE argument
> to m_tag. Here is the patch.
> In above patch, I fix performance issue by the following two ways.
>     - make ALTQ's m_tag pool cache
>     - inline altq_*_pattr functions
> Without these two fixes, the enabled ALTQ throughput degraded about 10%.
> However, with these two fixes, the throughput is almost the same
> performance.
> Could you comment this patch? Any comments are welcome. In particular,
> comments compared with the following thread.

There is no objection for about two weeks. Can I commit above patch?

If there is no objection, I will commit it after a few days or a week.


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