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Re: bind vs glue records

On 31/03/2016 15:08, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

As a workaround, set in your options in named.conf:

request-sit false;

That works perfectly for me here for now. Thanks for tracking that one down. I suspect I might never have noticed this until Stephen pointed this out and I'd certainly not have tracked it down without help. :)

Would NetBSD 6.x have had the same problem? Up until recently one of my 2 servers was 6.x rather than 7.x which might have masked this.

But regardless of NetBSD using this experimental code, the real code is
on by default in upcoming BIND 9.11 and has same problem. I will
research some more and let you know.

Good to know. Having just done a quick scan I coulnd't see documentation for 9.11 yet (I guess it won't appear until it gets released) I can't see if this option will continue to work in that release do you know if it will?


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