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Named in NetBSD 7.0.1

I have named (from 7.0.1) spewing the following errors every few

Jun 23 21:09:56 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7ff0677800 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:09:59 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7feee13800 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:10:01 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7ff4330000 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:10:04 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7ff0069000 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:10:06 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7feeb55800 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:10:09 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7ff7336800 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure
Jun 23 21:10:12 murthe named[22809]: client 0x7f7ff2503000 ( query_find: unexpected error after resuming: failure

This is rather annoying. It also does it for other queries but for this
one it has been going on for a very long time now.

Where does it come from and what can I do about it?
Could it come from blackholing sources of sshd attacks? Although it
would be unexpected if those hosts were dns servers.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- Wayland: Those who don't understand X
\X/ rhialto/at/    -- are condemned to reinvent it. Poorly.

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