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Re: PATCH to mark IPv6 addresses DETACHED when down or link down

On Thu, 30 May 2013 14:02:50 +0100
Roy Marples <> wrote:

> When a link status reports no carrier, or an interface is brought
> down the state of all IPv6 addresses remains the same.
> This means that when carrier is up or the interface is brought up no 
> duplicate address checking is performed.

I've not checked yet if something similar was committed, but I noticed
an issue on NetBSD-7 where if the ethernet link is down daemons are no
longer able to bind to v6 interfaces (which are seen as detached via
ifconfig).  This appears to be a bug, because this used to work fine
and still does on v4 addresses.  It is problematic when booting up and
the ethernet link is down, as daemons then need to be restarted.


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