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Re: Howto use agr to aggregate VPN tunnels

BERTRAND joël <> writes:

> Greg Troxel a écrit :
>> That's not netstat -s, it's netstat -i.  (Also you have wrapped the
>> diffs which makes them hard to read.)
> 	netstat -s -I tap0 only returns one line :
> einstein# netstat -I tap0 -s
> tap0  1500  <Link>        f2:0b:a4:31:da:48      104     0        0 0
> 0
> einstein#

That's not -s, that's what -I returns.  It never occured to me to do
them at once.

> 	If I use netstat -s without interface, I will obtain an
> aggregation of all interfaces statistics and I don't know how
> interpret result.

Yes, that's right.  -s does not show you interface stats.  It shows you
overall networking stats.  Unfortunately you need to understand more to
make sense of it.  But seriously: do the exercise I suggest: run netstat
-s before and after, and diff, and think about what you see, and look up
things to understand.

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