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Re: ifdef inet

    Date:        Thu, 19 Apr 2018 21:56:01 +0200
    From:        Maxime Villard <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Alright. I think we are far, far from that - IPv6 heavily relies on IPv4 -,

It does.   Where it gets complicated is that some of the #fidef INET
mean "IPv4" and others just mean "IP".

What would be useful, sometime, would be to change the former to
be #ifdef INET4 (initially defining INET4 whenever INET is defined
so that this makes no difference).   And of course, adding extra
#ifdef INET4/#endif in code which is #ifdef INET now, but where
surrounding code is version agnostic (often there will be #ifdef INET6
sections nearby to act as a guide).

Then once everything is converted, we would be able to make an
IPv6 only host/router by not defining INET4 so IPv4 support goes
away, without deleting INET (which would cause all IP related
network code - like support for TCP - to vanish).


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