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Re: scp troughput

Michael van Elst <> writes:

> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 05:51:07PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> (Michael van Elst) writes:
>> Do our HPN patches patch the docs?
> I fear no.

So I guess Someone should report a bug upstream; it seems obvious that
the upstream patch should adjust the example config files and
ssh_config/sshd_config to explain the new options.  But perhaps they do
and we didn't apply that part.

> You can find documentation here:
> N.B. We don't use the multi-threaded AES code.

Thanks - that looks interesting but a little adventurous, and currently
not our big issue.

Hving read their page, I have no idea why performance would be lower and
particularly all the way down to 20 MB/s.

There is also talk of adding a NONE cipher back, and I hope we didn't do
that (but it seems highly highly unlikely we would have).

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