On 05/04/2020 20:56, Robert Elz wrote:
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 19:07:59 +0100 From: Roy Marples <roy%marples.name@localhost> Message-ID: <8e19a96e-f084-3f39-6219-4c157c87521e%marples.name@localhost> | there's nothing dhcpcd can't do that the kernel can for RA handling, dhcpcd cannot do anything at all before userland is running. The kernel can. eg: how would dhcpcd autoconfig an address & router required to reach the NFS server on which the binary & libraries needed for dhcpcd are located ?
The default kernel settings ignore router advertisements.The kernel doesn't actively solicit anything either - there's literally no code to do so. I mean, that is why we had rtsold before yes? As such, you would need to wait for the router to advertise before you get a workable address and who knows how long that will take?
Now if you think it would work otherwise, please provide a working example and by all means I'll retract my request, but otherwise it still stands.