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Re: ifconfig(8) - a tale of two states

Jason Thorpe <> writes:

>> On Oct 7, 2020, at 8:20 AM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>> It may be that with 10base2, "UP" means "cable is terminated properly".
>> Or perhaps it's NA.
> Plenty of old school Ethernet controllers were capable of reporting if
> carrier was present on 10base2 / 10base5.  Carrier present == UP,
> carrier not present == DOWN, controller can't tell either way == NA or
> UNKNOWN (although you still want to be able to use the interface, so
> UNKNOWN doesn't really seem right).

I meant to suggest semantics

  UNKNOWN:	the concept of up/down makes sense but cannot be
                determined at the moment

  NA:		the concept of up/down does not make sense (e.g. IBSS


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