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Re: mbuf cluster leak? (Edgar =?iso-8859-1?B?RnXf?=) writes:

>I decided to re-boot again at 75%. One oberservation was that I had zero 
>mcpl Releases on the gateway, while I do have Releases on other machines.

>Can this be a locking problem, i.e., is there a lock preventing mbuf clusters 
>from being released?

My router has also zero releases in mclpl (and 38 requests).

Reason is that the mclpl pool is a "pool cache", things get allocated
from the pool but only lazily freed to the pool (and to the VM system)
when there is a memory shortage. A system like a router rarely requires
lots of memory, so it's possible that things never get freed.

With vmstat -C you see the cache statistics.

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