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Re: DNS resolver resolves LAN IPs

> Has anybody similar problem or what is set incorrectly ?

Only your use of the tool, I suspect.

> I have fresh installation NetBSD 10.1, with static LAN IPv4 address
> and defaultroute.

> Problem is that OS first tries to resolve LAN IP to DNS even when I
> try to ping to IP target.

> When I try ping to LAN neighbor (for example gateway
> then it tries first to resolve to DNS name

Yes - most likely, you used ping rather than ping -n.  Without -n,
ping, like a bunch of other tools, tries to resolve addresses to names
for human consumption.

> When I comment DNS server in resolv.conf then ping starts quickly,
> all is ok.

This is because, when you do that, ping's attempt to resolve the
address to a name fails fast, instead of taking a long time to fail.

You don't say what nameserver address(es) you have in resolv.conf, but
I would guess that either your host can't reach it/them, it/they
isn't/aren't willing to provide nameservice to your host, or its/their
nameserver(s) do(es)n't itself/themselves have the ability to perform
reverse lookups (for whatever reason).

> On machine I have another two network cards and behavior is the same.

The cause is probably also the same, though without details I can't be

> I have not this problem with another NetBSD 10.1 installation on
> notebook.

Again, without details I can't be sure, but I suspect this is because
you've got it configured to either talk to a working nameserver or such
that the lookup attempts fail fast.

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