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Re: mbuf cluster leak? (Paul Ripke) writes:
>ksh$ netstat -ms
>2366 mbufs in use:
> 1646 mbufs allocated to data
> 685 mbufs allocated to packet headers
> 35 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
>18 calls to protocol drain routines
Try 'netstat -mss' to get the mbuftrace information. E.g:
% netstat -mss
322 mbufs in use:
321 mbufs allocated to data
1 mbufs allocated to packet headers
4 calls to protocol drain routines
small ext cluster
tcp inuse 1 0 0
tcp sock tx inuse 1 0 0
tcp rx inuse 1 1 0
iwn0 rx inuse 64 64 0
iwn0 tx inuse 1 0 0
wm0 rx inuse 256 256 256
The table differentiates between:
small: an mbuf header (includes a small buffer).
ext: an mbuf header with any external buffer.
cluster: an mbuf header with a standard external buffer ("cluster").
so "small" is what is in the summary. The numbers may not add up exactly
because retrieving them isn't "atomic".
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