Subject: Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 07/17/1998 05:47:06
On 17-Jul-98 Todd Vierling spoke unto us all:
#  I can see the possibility of only about a dozen users, max, that may be
#  capable of using this pkg, and I don't know any of them.  There's very
#  little call for FidoNet these days.... 

Sure.. but how useful is xneko?  The idea being.. if you have a slow box, and
type make from the root.. its your own fault.. it takes me about a day and a
half to do all the non X stuff on my multia..

But now if I have to specificly turn it on to test it, I cant run my automated
pkgsrc tests anymore.. I have to manually do that one...

I think the only people crazy enough to do builds from the root are us

Tim Rightnour    -