Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: NetBSD System Packages
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/01/1998 08:46:39
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I think we could still make pkgsets be a _super_set of the normal pkg
> format. That's probably a worthwile goal and I dont see any reason not
> to. And we could always extend our pkg tools, so the handle a pkgset
> by just installing all the component pkgs.
> I could live with that; how about you?

Depends on how that "making a superset" works. From the UI POV (handling
everything with one tool), that's all I've been talking about.

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>