Subject: Re: pkgtools
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/15/1998 16:41:27
On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, Markus Illenseer wrote:
: Sorry, should have been more precise. Yes, a "make" does not install
: all the packages in pkgtool; at least pkglibtool is required by several
: other tools, and the dependancy - at least for me - doesnt compile it
: even on demand.
That's odd that the _dependency_ doesn't work; however I know the problem
for the directory-compile now (I forgot to update pkgtools/Makefile). I've
fixed that problem.
What error do you get if you try to have it build automatically as a
-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.