Subject: Re: Package Paths Proposal v2
To: NetBSD Packages Technical Discussion List <>
From: [This is my bacque pas, this is my faux pas] <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/17/1998 16:14:11
Greg A. Woods sez:
* [ On Thu, December 17, 1998 at 08:17:11 (-0500), Todd Vierling wrote: ]
* > Subject: Re: Package Paths Proposal v2
* >
* > : I.e. if pkg is to follow hier(7) to the letter then it must be a
* > : *complete* mirror and include $PREFIX/usr/sbin as well as $PREFIX/sbin.
* >
* > No, it mustn't. /usr/pkg is structured to follow the model of /usr/local.
* /usr/local is "broken" in the same way though....
Actually, Greg, if you want to be technical, / (root) is the "broken" one.
It is possessive of /var, /dev, /etc.
Or is /usr the "broken" one? It doesn't have a /usr in it.
I think what I'm getting at here is that the system hierarchy is probably
the exception to the rule (and anything that is pretending to be a root
filesystem falls into the category of "system hierarchy"). And, for
good or not at all :-), the system hierarchy is what hier(7) is
describing. I don't think every other hierarchy should be following
this model; who, after all, has /usr/local/usr, /usr/local/dev?
Should we update the hier(7) man page to note nodes which are
typically only present in the system itself, or illustrate
that other hierarchies follow what lies below /usr?
If we start distributing the OS as pkgs :-) [happy, not kidding], those
pkgs could easily start referencing ${PREFIX}/usr/... as well as
${PREFIX}/... I would not recommend that this be general practice for
non-system pkgs.
I think I'll go off and see what would be entailed in distributing
the system as binary packages.
Assignment: Think about and expound upon the possibilities of these two
questions. What would the world be like today if
a) the Roman Empire had been defeated early on? (religious implications)
b) the Stock Market had not crashed? (economical/political implications)