Subject: Re: Updating perl package to 5.00502
To: None <>
From: Geoff Wing <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/14/1999 07:32:03 <> typed:
:Here's what I've found useful:
:%  touch /tmp/before
:%  make install
:%  make deinstall
:%  find / -newer /tmp/before -print

Ughh.  Surely the easiest way is to change your pkg base to a virgin
directory, mtree it with NetBSD.pkg.dist, then make your package and
install using that pkg base.  You've mostly got your PLIST right there
(except for changing any arch named paths to variables) and you could
use mtree to check creation of directories thus also how to
uninstall (dirrm/rm -rf).  Anyway, this is a rather simplistic
description since there are obviously a few more things that need to
be checked - e.g. libs.
Doesn't the package builders guide go into this?

Geoff Wing   <>            Mobile : (Australia) 0412 162 441
Work URL:   Ego URL: