Subject: Re: postgresql pkg & TAS
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/29/1999 04:37:17
> Hi,
> it seems the only reason the postgresql package doesn't build on the arm32
> port (or at least on my Shark :) is that it wants a TAS() function that
> isn't available on arm32. Maybe someone wants to look into this?
> - Hubert
> --
> Hubert Feyrer <>
I used to be a postres developer. Postgres has locking system that requires
an atomic Test And Set instruction. This has to be written in asm for each
architecture. AFAIK, postgres/ql doesn't yet have asm support for the arm32,
but for anyone familiar with that platform producing an arm TAS() should be
trivial. Please feed the new locking code back to the postgresql team if you do.