Subject: Re: PR7432, PR7459 + HAM Software
To: Thorsten Frueauf <>
From: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/07/1999 00:32:35
Thorsten Frueauf wrote
> Hello,
> > could someone have a look at the PR7432 and PR7459? Its no point for
> > me to continue to submit any other new packages until I know that my
> > work is acceptable.
> I will have a look at them today. If they are ok in respect to pkglint
> I will commit them today. I won't be able to test if they really work,
> so if prs to it occur I will ask for your assistance.
Thanks for your help, I am only to happy to assist with any PR's in
reference to amateur radio programs running on NetBSD...
> > Both packages, tfkiss and tnt, have been tested and are currently used
> > on my packet radio network. Other packages waiting in the pipepline
> > are dpbox, 7plus, ifwd, wampes.
> Be sure to run them through pkglint and make sure they comply to
> hier(7), then I will be happy to commit them.
Ok, I've learnt heaps by looking at your revisions and will hopefully
have improved my skills when creating future packages. Thats why I was
so hesitant in continuing to submit new packages until I was sure
that my work was acceptable for inclusion.
> > FYI: There are 36 other change-requests in the category "pkg" with
> > status "open" dating back to May 1998.
> Thats known, but some of them are not that easy to just fire away.
> And as always it depends on free time of developers...
> > I like to help and offer my support in looking after amateur radio related
> > software in the packages tree.
> This offer is appreciated, I will make sure your packages get committed
> if you set yourself maintainer and are willing to help resolve prs on
> those packages.
Yep, I know... if we all had more time on hand ;)
Consider this to be a deal. I am running all these packages on one of
my systems and hence it is in my own interest to fix all bugs...
I really appreciate your help... a great many thanks...
cheerio Berndt
Name : Berndt Josef Wulf
E-Mail :
Sysinfo : DEC AXPpci33+, NetBSD-1.3.3