Subject: Re: problems with building ncurses 4.2
To: None <>
From: Alistair G. Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/05/1999 06:58:09
> On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> > me again. Well, I tried to build net/ntop, and found ncurses-4.2 not
> > building.... it's a big package, so I ran the make process twice for the
> > following output. It reports a missing `_use_default_colors' in
> > objects/firework. Could this mean a missing define? The only definition I
> > found was in the file `ncurses/llib-lncurses'.
> >
> > Can somebody else give it a try?
> Worked for me on 1.4/i386. Can you do a "make clean" in
> pkgsrc/devel/ncurses & retry (just to make sure), and give more
> information on your system? (OS version, platform)
I ran into some compilation problems when I tried to compile ncurses
4.2, with the old ncurses (1.9.9g) package already installed on the
machine - it picked up an out of date <curses.h> file, and that
gave some compilation problems.