Subject: OpenSSH package
To: None <>
From: David Rankin <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/18/1999 14:07:58
Is anyone working on putting together an OpenSSH package? I've looked a
bit at the FreeBSD port, which is pretty rough, not to mention utterly
dependant on cvs for file retreval. Unless someone else is interested
in doing this port, I am considering basing the package on the Linux
port, if for no other reason than it keeps from downloading 20+ files
of indeterminite version number.
David W. Rankin, Jr. Husband, Father, and UNIX Sysadmin.
Email: Address/Phone Number: Ask me.
"It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble
when you are praised is a great and rare accomplishment." St. Bernard