: Re: Kermit and
To: Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu>
From: Frederick Bruckman <fb@enteract.com>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/23/1999 12:02:37
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Frank da Cruz wrote:
> Right, this is your decision. Personally, if I were creating some
> kind of commercial product to sell,
Stop right there. NetBSD is a volunteer effort, arguably more so than
any other Free 'nix. The closest thing to commercial distributors may
be found here: <http://www.netbsd.org/Sites/cdroms.html>.
> and I wanted to include some third-party software in it, I would
> not mind asking for permission and even paying for it if the price
> was right. I certainly would not feel it was my absolute right to
> sell the work of others. This is just common human courtesy and
> respect.
Looking at the prices on the above referenced page, it's not clear
that most of the re-packagers are "profiting" from the work of others,
or even "profiting" at all. Nonetheless, the folks listed there are
the ones to make your pitch to--LOL.