Subject: share vs. share/games (vs. /var/games)
To: None <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/04/2000 16:39:16
At the moment most games packages install datafiles to
${PREFIX}/share/$game and three (moria, xscrabble, zombies) use
${PREFIX}/share/games/$game. To improve the consistency among the games
packages, it should be decided to use only one of the options.

Initially it has been though that using share/$game would be a better
alternative which would treat games packages no different from other
pacakges. In this case share/games should be seriously deprecated and
possibly removed from pkg.dist. Note that share/games was added the same
time as var and var/games, but while var and var/games were removed,
share/games wasn't.

Using pkg/share/games would probably fit the basesrc games scheme
better, but then again we don't have pkg/games to store the game
binaries anyhow. Note that hier(7) doesn't contain anything about

The whole other problem is deciding wether to install score files in
/var/games or pkg/share. At the moment moria, rocksndiamonds, xjewel,
xscrabble and zombies use /var/games, other score-keeping packages (such
as nethack) use pkg/share.

Any insights or thoughts or opinions on how to proceed with the cleanup?

Antti Kantee <>