Subject: Re: pkgsrc, http, and websearches
To: None <>
From: Alistair G. Crooks <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/18/2000 04:01:14
> 	I think we could be losing an opportunity for getting better hits
> 	in websearches.. :)
> 	It would be good if people performing a generic websearch such
> 	as 'download abiword' would hit our pkgsrc page.
> 	Proposal:
> 		CAME for pkgsrc to
> 		httpd on '' pointing to pkgsrc tree
> 		Some META tags to each README.html to target websearches
> 		Lttle more blurb to encourage people to try NetBSD
> 		Submit the base of the tree to many fine webengines.
> 	What do people think?

Nice idea.

However, I'd prefer the work "packages" to pkgsrc throughout.

People who don't know about NetBSD would be more likely to search
on the word "packages" than "pkg" or "pkgsrc". However, I've come to
like the word "pkgsrc", so maybe there should be a CNAME for that too.
