Subject: Re: Local package mods
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/26/2000 04:18:49
On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
> So, now that I have totally overexplained (and probably patronized
> everyone) what about a mechanism where I can add special instructions
> in some local file (not sure if mk.conf would be the place for it)
> for specific packages. Something like this.
> lang/python post-extract "cp ${PKGSRCDIR}/localfiles/cryptmodule.c ${WRKSRC}/Modules/cryptmodule.c"
> Or some other mechanism. Any interest or should I just go with the
> lang/mypython idea?
yes - just what I said. ;-) doesn't have any hooks per-se to change arbitrary pieces of a
target, though you can at least override most of the variables and targets
from mk.conf. The trick is just to ONLY override them when in
pkgsrc/lang/python. Probably involves some .if ($.CURDIR:S/...// ==
lang/python) hackery - I'll leave this as an exercise to you. :)
Note, though, that variables assigned with =, := or += cannot be
overrided, in contrast to these assigned with =? - mk.conf is pulled in by via, and that appears somewhere at the start of, which is again parsed _after _the pkg's Makefile.
- Hubert
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