Subject: Re: packages build (from current-users)
To: Tom Javen <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 03/09/2000 15:09:24
On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, Tom Javen wrote:
> > > Yes , but the real problem is in /var/db/pkg which is used to check
> > > if the package already exists. Setting LOCALBASE does not change this
> > > behaviour.
> >
> > If you ronly problem is /var/db/pkg, you should be able to point it
> > somewhere else by setting PKG_DBDIR.
> >
> How do you make the packages ?
> Is there a real reason for having a package installed
> just to make the tarball ?
> I would just like to make some package tarballs but not
> necesserarily wanting them installed on my server.
Right now, we find the files that go into a binary package with a list,
the PLIST. This list describes where things end up after a "make install".
To tar up things without putting them out on the filesystem, we would need
a second list, describing both where the file resides in the build dir
($WRKSRC), plus where it should end up when the binary pkg is installed
(that's what's in PLIST right now). If you want to work something out for
this, feel free to do so - it would also be nice to use this in the base
One other problem you may force is with files that get generated at "make
install" time from other pkgs, not by simple copying.
"Have fun"
- Hubert
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