Subject: realplayer-7nb3 problem
To: None <>
From: Marcello Balduccini <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/06/2000 17:22:25
  I have some troubles making RealPlayer work on my system. My configuration is
the following:

o Pentium II
o NetBSD 1.5 ALPHA2
o NIC 3COM 3c905B
o Communicator 4.74
o suse emulation pkgs ver. 6.3

What happens is that RealPlayer seems unable to send any packet to the network
(I inspected the network traffic using ethereal) and, after a long time, it
goes in timeout and tells me that I may have network problems (which is not
the case). This happens both for normal "File->Open Location" operations and for
the "Auto Configure" network option. Apart from the network, RealPlayer seems to
work file: it plays sound files using File->Open File, for example.

I performed several tests, trying to check the contents of my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and PATH variables -- I suspected that there might be a problem loading the
linux libraries. The latest variable configuration that I tried (without any
success) is:



Does anybody have any clues about the cause - and possible solution - of the
problem ?
