Subject: Re: Firewall packages
To: Bernd Salbrechter <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/17/2000 16:13:01
On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 11:33:08PM +0200, Bernd Salbrechter wrote:
> > Please also add:
> > 7. SHARE: all files under the share directory (supposed to be MI and shared
> > accros multiple architectures). This can he handy for machines which mount
> > share from another one.
> Nice that at least one like the idea, but I think that a category
> SHARE would not fit into that I have described. I.e. groff macros
> will go into SHARE, but are need to use groff so they must in
> RUN-TIME. At the other hand the examples form ghostscript, which
> will also go into SHARE, are only EXAMPLES and not need to use
> ghostscript.
And why couldn't some files be in different categories at the same time ?
> PPS.: Do anyone who works on pkg-zing the base distribution can
> comment this?
BTW, could also be nice to have a way to install the system without a
/usr/share (or even /usr), so that it can be NFS-mounted from somewhere else.
Manuel Bouyer <>