Subject: Re: Some questions on KDE2
To: Ingolf Steinbach <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 05/24/2001 09:44:11
On Monday 21 May 2001 9:17 am, Ingolf Steinbach wrote:
> Hi,
> before I file PRs, I'd like to know if others have similar
> problems with KDE2 from pkgsrc:
> 1) kmail always terminates after receiving all mail via
> pop3. It does not issue an error message (at least I
> did not see any, even if I started kmail from a shell).
> After opening kmail again, the newly received mails
> (i.e. those received just before kmail terminated) seem
> to be completely inserted into the correct mail folders.
> Receiving mail from a local directory works well.
I get this. The kmail people traced it back to being in the kdelibs (or more
specifically the kio_pop3 code somewhere, I can't remember the details, but I
think it has been fixed) Yes it's a pain as the folder counts are never
right without going into each folder, however functionally it does work
(although unnerving) it does go and fetch all the emails, saves them to disk
and deletes them from the server as expected, but fairly regularly crashes
(sometimes taking other parts of kde with it, but that might just be my
rather early build of kde 2.1, I should rebuild)