Subject: Can someone explain about packages?
To: None <>
From: Gerald C. Simmons <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/18/2001 16:55:23
I just built/installed Netscape's Communicator for Linux, and all appears to
be working.
What I'm trying to understand is where everything landed.
Can someone explain what detemines what parts of a package land in
/usr/pkg/bin(sbin) and what would land in /usr/pkg/emul/linux/...???
I'm very confused. The build put this small (<1K) file called
communicator-4.77 in /usr/pkg/bin, and it must jumpstart a larger
application (netscape,) but I can't seem to find it.
I.E. How do I know what to put in my path statement in .cshrc???
Gerry Simmons